Every document must have a string _id field.

Every document is uniquely identified by its _id, which means that upserting a document with an existing _id will update the document.

To upsert documents, you can pass a list of documents to the upsert method. TopK will insert new documents or overwrite existing ones if they have the same _id.

            "_id": "book-1",
            "title": "The Great Gatsby", 
            "published_year": 1925, 
            "title_embedding": [0.12, 0.67, 0.82, 0.53, ...]
            "_id": "book-2",
            "title": "To Kill a Mockingbird",
            "published_year": 1960,
            "title_embedding": [0.42, 0.53, 0.65, 0.33, ...]
            "_id": "book-3", 
            "title": "1984", 
            "published_year": 1949, 
            "title_embedding": [0.59, 0.33, 0.71, 0.61, ...]

Please note that nested types (eg. dicts and lists) are currently not supported. The only exception for complex types applies to f32 vectors, u8 vectors, binary vectors, and bytes.

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